Check out all free stuff we’ve gathered for you! |
Free Screen Savers
How about a few cool free sceen savers for your Windows based PC? These original screen savers were created by yours truly (except for the " clowns " screensaver which was created by Icthus Multimedia, exclusively for The No Clown Zone). The Clowns R Coming screensaver series features creepy music, and scary clown images from around the web.
Free Stickers
Here’s one I know you’ll like. 2 ways for you to get free stickers from You could send us a picture of yourself for our "Members" area of the site. Or you could be the first one from your State (in the US)or Country (from around the world) to send me a Snail Mail postcard (no electronic postcards please). If you are the first from your state or country I’ll send you a sticker on the house. If you don’t wanna risk not being the first, you can guarantee yourself a sticker by sending us a photo of yourself that we can use on the website.
Free Cell Phone
At our sister site, Free Cellular Phone .info, you can get a free top name cellular phone (Motorola, Nextel, Nokia, Ericsson, and more) with the most reliable providers in the nation. Great rate plans starting at only $19.99 can get you talking affordably in no time!
Free Newsletter
 This is the official free newsletter for Our new host for our anti-clown newsletter is VerticalResponse. They provide us with an easy to use newsletter service. CafePress provides order processing and fulfillment for some of our anti-clown products, and a resource for people who are afraid of, or just plain hate clowns. Subscribe today!