
My message is simple:

There are people in this world who dress up and act like clowns; I don’t like these people.

I am not clownophobic (or to be politically /scientifically correct, coulrophobic). I do not fear clowns. Really. I don’t. They are just not nice people. They scare little kids, they cause neurosis in some adults, they have big floppy feet, they try to fit too many of their kind in a car, I could go on and on.

There are people around the world who have shared their stories and experiences with clowns. I invite you to read them while you’re here.

You may also want to check out my personal wishes for clowns. 1000’s of people worldwide use ihateclowns.com as their email service, I hope you’ll join them. You can get your own unique email address@ihateclowns.com and tell the world how you feel with every email you send.

Our original anti-clown t-shirt designs are a great way to express yourself without saying a word.

Read more of my anti-clown rant