Scary or relaunched

After many months and many requests, the Am I A Scary Clown Or Not website has relaunched!

Warning…scary clown pictures at this link:

Am I A Scary Clown or Not is designed to be a fun way to show scary clown pictures and/or vote your opinion of pictures submitted by users of the website.

For those folks that love to be scared by clowns, this is the site for you. For the extremely…

add your photo to the gallery – get a free gift!

Here’s the deal:

We have a new photo gallery where you can add your personal photo.

If you add a recent photo of yourself, you get a free sticker!

If you have ever purchased a t-shirt, hoodie, jersey, or whatever from our anti-clown store(s) (like the one

i hate clowns and coulrophobia coffee mugs are here – FREE SHIPPING

We now have “i hate clowns” and “coulrophobia – the fear of clowns” coffee mugs available in our store:

These 15 oz, ceramic, professionally printed coffee mugs are only $14.95 with FREE SHIPPING! Microwave and Dishwasher safe!

German, Swedish, Norwegian Anti-Clown Shoppers – something for you! now has an official printer located in Germany. You can buy cool, limited edition anti-clown items only available to German and European residents:

Visit our SpreadShirt shop at:

Cool hoodie designs, lanyards, jackets and more!

Get a Free iPod…really :)

Get a Free iPod or a Free Flat Screen

NEW 20GB...
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The BBC Wants to Talk to a Clown Hater outside the US

Do you fear or hate clowns and are located outside the United States?

Would you mind doing a quick phone interview with the BBC today or tomorrow (September 21 or 22)?

If so, please email [project finished] as soon as possible and I’ll put you in touch with Estelle from the BBC.



new "i hate mimes" t-shirt, babydoll "can’t sleep, clowns will eat me" t-shirts and cool euro stickers

Check out all the new stuff!

click here for...
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solid advice <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
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@BurgerKing as long as there are no clowns
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