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2011 Marks the 15 Year Anniversary for!

2011 Marks the 15 Year Anniversary of

Can you believe that?

The No Clown Zone (originally located at and now proudly located at  has been online for 15 YEARS in 2011! 15 years!

That’s older than Facebook and Twitter combined!

What started out as a little site I put together to share my dislike of clowns has turned into a worldwide community of people who have realized they are not alone in their fear or hatred of the grease-painted ones.

This calls for a celebration of some sort :)

So let me ask you, fellow clown hater. What do you suggest we do to celebrate this momentous occasion?

Please post your fun and creative suggestions here or on our Facebook page at

PS. If you haven’t seen them yet, we have a few cool new anti-clown items in our store including this cool keychain, a fashionable t-shirt, and one for the typography lovers in the house :)

IHC Vintage Fashion T-Shirt

killer klowns from outer space movie t-shirt available now!

Filed under: for those clown haters that actually like to be scared

Killer Klowns From Outer Space (link to movie info) was one of the original movies that took on “clowns” as a scary beings.  Although the movie contained alien clowns, people who hate clowns often look back on the movie with a sort of fondness because of how “over the top” it went.

If that describes you or someone you know, be sure to check out the officially licensed t-shirt from the movie that has been added to the ihateclowns store.

Killer Klowns From Outer Space T-Shirt

Keep on the lookout for some new original anti-clown t-shirt designs in 2009! added to email lineup

I’ve finally completed the addition of (the official name for the fear of clowns) to the anti-clown email lineup.

That means that EVERY name is available and you can now be:

steve @

instead of sm3484_zzz @


happygirl @

instead of happy_girl7553042 @

Sound cool? Grab your new email address today!

Only $4.95 per year: